5 Facebook Plugins For Blogger 

Blogger I's one of the simple and most advanced platform if we use it right.

If you made a amazing blog with loads of content and you are unable to get it to work for your social media gain.

Then its a drawback..

So if you are trying to use your blogger audience to direct them towards your social media without extra tab or leaving website.

Cool right. Now we will present you 5 Facebook plugins to increase viewer engagement and followers base.

•1 Facebook Developers

This was one of the best official plugin support from facebook, If you don't want some third party code on your blogger. and with loaded features.

• Enter your page name 

• Enter Width and Height - 500/0 as per my page. you can use your own size

• Add tabs , remove covers, small header.

• Go to the website

• Signup and get amazing plugins for social media feed and other blogger plugins.

• But you have to connect to your fb account to authorise.

• You can add anywhere in your site even the team helps and do it in your site if you are unable to so.

• But plugin size is high than other plugins I have seen.

• Good Support from elfsight will feel more centric.

This is another site that offers many useful plugins for blogger.

 Go to the site - signup - get fb widget code and add to your site.

This is one of the best blogger and other
platforms plugin's site.

- Go to website, tap on facebook feed widget and enter your fb URL.

Get the code and Install anywhere you like to.

- 5 FaceBook Plugin 

If you added facebook js SDK in your template.

Then go to your template control panel.

Add below code in your widget where you want to display facebook page.

If you have any issue with plugin's you can comment down below.