How Important Is Social Media For Blog Or Website ?

The social media sites are getting new features day by day and getting more updates for better interconnectivity for users and company's.

Most of the company's, government's, agency's are on social media to get identity and to reach    people more conveniently as more and more public are creating accounts to communicate or to share thier personal portfolio to experience features.

Social media websites like facebook, twitter, reddit, instagram, telegram have thier own features in thier own ways to users experience them and use.

Such sites have billions of user accounts and billions of active users worldwide and it keep on growing rapidly.

In such popular sites there are corporates, agency's, company's are creating thier own identity to let people to reach and communicate within the portal or to advertise thier upcoming products.

- Blogging 

Do I need to make social media account for my blog or website ?

Definately a Big " Yes "

Social media is a lot different to search engine.

Social media like fb or Instagram have their own features developed for interconnectivity of the users with in portal as the portal that have reach to the audience around the world within in no time.

Social media can do wonders as to do advertising or to reach your idea's or news to the world

But if you want to use social media for your site's or blog's then it was a good idea.

After creating a website/blog, you need to name your social media accounts with the same name and make sure embedding in your site.

It makes the audience to get ongoing things that you update in social media will be seen and let them get notified on thier social media portal.

In social media there are alot of websites that get reach more audience or get store your page likers being make them follow or like.

More likely, these social media portals are all time destination of building your product, website or any other portal easily.

- Facebook

- Twitter

- VK

- Instagram

- Pinterest 

- Google Plus

- Pinterest

These are some of the most used and popular hot destination's for organic growth of your site.

Let's take an example : if your website or blog or product have good daily visitors and reach and it is going good but it will or may not reach more audience.

If the followers or likers are growing in these sites will make more people to encounter your page and get them directed towards your site.

Getting new audience is the main goal here as it will grow more viewership so utilising social media has to be one of the easiest and convenient portal.

- Facebook is one of the oldest site to get more people to access your page links through your page and making it grow
have many benefits.

- Twitter being micro blogging site has its own audience being very popular have good reach with hash tags feature is one of the highlighted feature to get more audience directed to your site.

- VK is Social media app in Russia being more popular among russians, 

- Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social media app has it own unique features that can easily make your website grow if used right.

- Google Plus being have potential of getting more audience has been completely closed down officially by google, so more google plus.

- Reedit - Reddit is all about technology, it can get a lot of audience through its simple and advanced features.

Social media have many features for getting your site audience to contact and discuss or react to your post that you published in your portal.

You can get a idea how good is your published article with the reaction's of post that you posted in your social media portal.

- It will make you understand, what users wanted from your site 

- How to improve blog and features, 

- You can give shoutouts

Comments - one of the best feature of social media is having own comment system.

You can even have own comment sytem in your blog but the more easy comment interaction can be done in which users use or like.

Sharing - if certain post got liked by someone and they insist to share your post or link within portal the new or old audience easily share your post in profile or timeline.

Growing - your page likers or followers improve your site reach and getting more viewership increases domain value and Alexa rank.

Feedback : you can easily ask feedback to your followers or likers in your page or account and get it easily instead completed relying on blog or site.

Queries : you can take note of queries that the viewers wanted to know or answer them.

You can connect more bloggers, company"s to build or increase blog reputation for more advertisment's.

Its not just limited to that, getting more audience reach and portal increase brand value of your site or blog.

You can use it for advertising or endorsing any company products or links through the portal.

Further, Having many benefits if used right as it is stable portal for many things

Today, being just relying on google won't work for long as it is important to use social media as your second portal to build stable portal for your blog or website likers or followers.

If something gone wrong it will be helpful to get your fans notified about downtime or your new domain name or closing down etc or you can use or it for your further products or sites etc.

Yes, social media is important for your blog/site and make sure to build if you need more reach and security.

Au Revoir - Bye Bye in French