In general
, android browsers doesn't have ability to view source code efficiently even the popular ones like google chrome or mozilla firefox yet there is some browsers like Via which will get source code in text format but it is hard to copy whenever you try to copy everything of source code the app will start to lag or force close itself.

But in pc you can easily view source code not only that you can edit it as well by just tapping ctrl - u together.

However, in android you still can't view source or edit directly due to limited resources available in android which make things hard this is why most website debuggers & programmers use pc for all the works.

Instead, you can fetch the data of website online or through apps and edit and modify the source code according to your requirements.

In search of best view source code technique we found google already have the tool named google data structure tool which fetch the source code of any website online.

The tool is officially made by google so you can rely upon without any worries.

How to use google data structure tool 

• Go to google data structure tool

,• Enter YOUR website URL or Code Snippet !

• Now tap on RUN TEST 

Once, you tap on run test you will get the fetched souce code by any website in data structure tool.

Google structure tool have many features like you can view source of website, code snippet, check errors or warnings of source code of website.

Finally, we found the data structure tool working like pro like other google tools available to public, in one word it is flawless, do mention have you found this useful in our comment section below, see ya :-)