It is always better to compare prices of products in different websites to get best price for the products you want to buy so that you won't over pay for the products which will save you few bucks. 

If you really want the product at low price then you need to take care of few things that will maximize the chance to get the product at lower price. 

We have numerous websites offers wide- range of products and categories but all have their own pricing & promo codes. 

It is very hard to check all websites to get the product at best price which consume a lot of time and data. 

However, even after spending alot of time on various shopping websites still there is always a chance that you probably missed alot of websites that offers you best price to the products so if you check it manually your-self there is no guarantee. 

Google knows this and they made Google Shopping formerly google product search or google products which long back known with the name froogle. 

Froogle invented by Craig Nevill-Manning used google web crawler to index product
data from websites of vendors instead of paid submissions and it is also monetized by Google AdWords platform. 

Froogle which is now Google Shopping got
alot of new features that will give you nice user experience and let you find best price products from numerous websites. 

The reason froogle renamed is due to the various issues like the name is irrelevant and people unable to understand what is frooggle it has major internalization issue and also got trademark issues with other website due to that website name changed but still work to redirect to Google Shopping website. 

In the time of re-branding Google Product search modified to emphasize integration with Google Search which makes it more reliable and useful. 

Google announced in live market event on may 2019 all new Google Shopping will be integrated with existing google express to give revamped shopping experience while if you don't know what is google express it is a market place. 

Google shopping is indeed remarkable it has all the features that are required to get best price of products using Google Prod- uct search engine which makes it one of the best price comparison website avail- label online. 

Now, let's know more about this Google shopping which will be more interesting! 

Google Shopping Key features with UI & UX Overview •

- This is the first view of Google shopping which shows you product departments & various products catalogues and more.... 

- In search, you can search for your pro- ducts including that will get all the list of popular searches on google shopping. 

- In home, you can see your recently view- ed products in grid style catalogue.

- Once, you tap on picks option available on home screen then you will get grid list of all popular products. 

- In menu, you can explore all departments and view products available on them. 

- You can browse departments with this beautiful grid styled list. 

- You will get catalogue for popular pro- ducts that you can check them out. 

- You have Top brand catalogue where you can select your favorite brand and explore their products etc. 

- In top deals you can get the best deals that are available right now. 

- if you are a fan of samsung products then praise google shopping for providing seperate catalogue for it. 

- Once you top on departments & browse your category then you can explore them. 

- Once, you tap on the product you wish then you can see all the details regarding the product and interestingly you can see product promo code to that will help you get the product at more low price. 

- Tap on compare prices, to compare the prices of products on other websites. 

- One of the amazing feature of google shopping you can see product price graph that will give your more idea of product so that you can decide either to buy product at that particular price or not. 

- You will get all details of the products. 

- You will also get editor review of product for more detailed understanding! 

Moreover, this all features of google shop- ing will help you get the product at best price for you. 

Finally, This is Google Shopping, the better you explore the more valued deals you can find on it and all the features are amazing and useful, do you use Google Shopping to buy products if so say you experience in our comment section below, see ya :-)