Charles Babbage in early 18th century created world first Computer named difference engine to calculate or tabulate the polynomial function which is build up of hardware mechanical parts at first it is quite basic but eventually many inventors and companies around the world begin developments on computers to upgrade and update with numerous improvements and enhancements in that process we got different types of computers for various purposes which are quite powerful and advanced to execute tasks efficiently.

In mid 19th century thanks to some inventors we got electronic computers which are also build up of hardware based mechanical parts but that are powered by electricity due to that electronic computer once setup can execute almost all real life tasks electronically and automatically and then as time goes thanks to many skilled inventors in adaption to new technologies they Integrated operating system basically software on electronic computers.

The operating system availabile on electronic computers back then and now mainly available in 2 digital format types CLI aka command line interface and GUI aka graphical user interface which are visible softwares developed using number of programming languages thus you can see them on connected display monitor then by giving out inputs you can simply execute designated tasks but in early era they are in size of house thus they are not home compatible which is why they were limited to big tech companies like IBM.

Fortunately, we got less expensive small sized home compatible PCs aka personal computers by year 1970s from number of companies Integrated with CLI and GUI operating systems where you can install additional softwares due to that people around the world begin using PCs to do different real life tasks electronically and digitally at first they are quite basic but as time goes we got thin and light powerful and advanced fast secure modern PCs.

Anyhow, there are numerous revolutionary hardware and software technologies which evolved computers to become not only better but also awesome out of them internet is one developed by ARPANET to move digital data on network between computers that provide unique address to each computer at first it is used to send digital messages between computers but eventually Internet used for number of different purposes mainly to share digital format files between computers.

However, Internet usage on computers back in time is limited even in begginings of early PCs era but it was skyrocketed in year 1991 because of revolutionary WWW aka world wide web browser that allows you to access public contents of internet which are in website and blog format so majority of people who got to know about world wide web started developing thier own website and blog using programming language HTML at first they are basic but eventually in web 2.0 era begin in early 20th century alot of people started using many programming languages like CSS, PHP and JavaScript etc due to that we got beautiful and modern websites and blogs which look and feel even better now.

Usually, most people back in year 1990s used to create text websites and blogs using PC storage and memory to create server then host on internet at first they used to have just text but eventually alot of people begin hosting various types of big size digital format files like images and videos etc but in order to access all this digital platforms of internet you need data that power up Internet to let you access websites and blogs then download or upload digital files comfortably.

Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn designed software to transmit data on internet via IP aka internet protocol and TCP aka transmission control protocol at first it used to be free but later in year 1990s numerous companies for personal or commercial reasons started providing and charging for data who are known as local network or operators that eventually leaded and formed as an industry.

When people got to see big size websites and blogs with huge files requirement of fast internet increased to supply that local network companies invented number of technologies to speed up and improve Internet data which is basically blank generated memory in that process a committee called 802.11 created and released Wi-Fi aka Wireless Fidelity which is now used around the world immensely.

Even though, there are some pre-existing technologies which allows you to transmit Internet data but Wi-Fi is the one that was able to get big attention and recognition around the world as it's not only home compatible but also transmit Internet data at higher speeds which used to provide upto 2 mega byte per second in year 1997 then as time goes by adapting to latest technologies Wi-Fi networks are now able to provide giga bytes Internet data speed by using them you can not only open huge websites and blogs quickly but also stream videos and download huge size digital files in seconds instantly.

Wi-Fi like Telecom networks use radio waves to transmit data which health care departments says don't have any negetive side effects still not fully guaranteed as research on that is going on continously but Wi-Fi range is usually limited to certain hundreds of meters yet Wi-Fi is already widely used by people globally in home and offices etc to get fast internet connection for browsing or streaming and downloading digital files smoothly as much as possible on the go.

Meanwhile, Telephones evolved version keypad mobile phones and smartphones which have operating system like on computers also have internet connection facility that you can get through sim cards provided by telecom network operators but Telecom operators provide Internet services even after kilometres globally which is why large percentage of people rely on telecom sim cards over Wi-Fi.

Telecom networks provide wireless internet connection and it's quite expensive but here's WiFi usually provide internet connection through cable from local Internet provider due to that WiFi is not just affordable but also provide and transmit huge amount of high speed data using number of frequencies due to that it is known as broadband which is why most people for short distance fast internet use WiFi like in homes and offices etc.

In sense, it's better to use telecom networks internet connection for long distance Internet services which you can use anywhere on the go and for home and office usages Wi-Fi may work better then Telecom according to your preferences and requirements etc but if you already using Wi-Fi then you may probably know there are drawbacks in Wi-Fi technology.

I said earlier Wi-Fi uses radio waves to exchange data between digital devices isn't? as radio waves have some in-capabilities like frequencies loose it's strength for long distances and it also struggle to go inside objects due to that speed and signal strength of internet data that user recieve through Wi-Fi is not the actual one that's why number of inventors and companies upgraded Wi-Fi to improve and provide better broadband to people.

There are number of alternatives to Wi-Fi to name few like Bluetooth, Zigbee, Lora WiMAX for long distance connectivity a upgrade of WiFi based on IEEE 802.16m-2011 LAN aka local area network but at the end they all use radio waves which is why a better far more futuristic powerful and advanced wireless internet connection technology is developed named Li-Fi which that was introduced by Hassan Hassan in year 2011 at TEDGlobal talk in Edinburgh.

Currently, Li-Fi is optical wireless visible light communicator that transmit data at quite high speeds over the visible light, ultraviolet and infrared spectrums but only use LED aka light emitting diode lights which is revolutionary as you may know light travels approximately 300,000 KM  kilometres per second and it penetrates and go deep into waters due to that Li-Fi can provide long distance deep and super fast stable Internet for sure.

Especially, Li-Fi also provide better security then WiFi as Li-Fi uses light with led lamps to transmit data it provides way more security then WiFi for Instance as light send the data network can be contained in single room or building etc basically using LED lamps due to that there is less chance of getting remote network attack that you usually see on WiFi which is why people install security systems on Computers.

Thankfully, Li-Fi is expected to be 10 times cheaper and fast as well in year 2013 itself which used to provide 224 giga bytes per second including that light refected of walls can provide 70 mega bytes per second that may already increased further by now but as Li-Fi short wave range not able to penetrate walls every room or building must have transmitters to ensure communication this costs are quite high that may be one of the main reason why majority of companies not getting into much commercialization of Li-Fi.

Anyway, Li-Fi has many benefits it can be used in any platform where radio waves are not suitable or safe as an replacement or alternative like in aviation, hospital and vehicles, industrial automation, advertising and robots in warehouse or anywhere else to transmit data communication between devices for the benefit of people with best security and privacy which is why number of companies in many countries already slowly started using and expanding LiFi to provide digital services everyone easily.

In india for instance numerous startups and companies from past few years using Li-Fi digitlizing indian villages that may be one day used in whole india if satellite internet like Startlink for any reason unable to work or not used by people in future even if the satellite based Internet services provided and available in full scale all over the world still Li-Fi definitely can be considered as alternative to it.

We also have Bg-Fi system for Mobile devices with embedded software which converts the light into digital information by communicating with color senor available on display of mobile devices using LED technology thus user can sync and communicate in real time but right now neither Bg-Fi or Li-Fi is in wide usage on mobile devices like smartphones yet if you want and like to check that visible light technology then there are some apps like Li-Fi Zone, Art, Li-Fi messenger etc.

It is definitely worth to mention Li-Fi cameras are also emerging which uses  OCC aka optical camera communication system technology by using that you can easily sync and transmit data between camera and other devices including that OCC can only transmit data distance of 15 centi-meters but has higher data rate of 300 kbps which is why OCC is preffered in financial transactions over NFC.

Finally, I expect more electronic devices may use Li-Fi technology in future and it is right upgrade of LiFi, are you an existing user of Li-Fi wireless network technology? If yes do say your experience? and kindly mention do you prefer to use Li-Fi over WiFi and satellite internet like Startlink? in our comment section below, see ya :)