If you side-load apps by downloading .apk files from websites like APKMirror.com or Apkpure.com or any other popular .apk file providing websites you may probably know they provide millions of .apks which you can easily able to install on your android devices for free without the requirement of app store like Google Play which will help people who don't have access to Google Play like for example : people from countries where Google Play or Google services banned or restricted like china, iran etc.

But, do you know most of these .apk file providing websites switching from .apk file format to the latest .XAPK file format  which is an advanced format that provide numerous advantages and better then .apk but .XAPK is currently not supported by Android's package installer, so you can't install this .XAPK files on Android which is surely a drawback but Google may soon update It's software or package installer to support installation of .XAPK files but right now it is not supported officially.

However, if you have a requirement to install .XAPK files you can install them using an alternative package installer which supports installation of .XAPK files unofficially but we have very few package installers out there on android which will support to install .XAPK files on Android.

Yes, the main reason that you need to prefer .XAPK files over .APK files is Google Play limited the app size to 100mb but that doesn't mean developers can't make apps bigger then 100mb but for that they have to create obb externally and make users to install them later but in .XAPK file format you don't need to download obb after the app installation because obb and assets can be integrated prior including that this .XAPK files are less size compared to .APK which saves your data and time.

if you like to install .XAPK files it is always better to use the best .XAPK file package installer available out there from trusted source and entity else you may face issue later, so in this scenario we have a work we found one reliable and trusted .XAPK file format package installer named APK Mirror Installer who is one of the most popular .APK and .XAPK file provider with largest collection.

APKMirror Installer is currently in early access phase and available on playstore  which ensures safety as most apps available on play store is scanned by Google and protected by Play Protect, APKMirror Installer is better then other .APK package installer apps because APKMirror Installer also support the installation of app bundles, .apkm and split apks including .XAPK which is additional advantage which you don't get find in some .XAPK installers, so do you got your attention & interest on APKMirror installer ? If yes let's know little more Info before we begin installing the .XAPK files using APKMirror Installer.

- Advantages of .XAPK format -

• APKMirror Installer Official Support •

Website : Apkmirror.com

- App Info = Google Play

• How to download APKMirror Installer •

It is very easy to download APKMirror Installer from these platforms for free.

• How to install .XAPK files using APKMirror Installer •

- Once .XAPK file available on your android device either downloaded from APKMirror, Apkpure or any other source.

- Just Tap on it.

- In order to install .XAPK files, first you must install APKMirror Installer, Once installed.

- Open with APKMirror Installer.

- You'll get all details of app which you can explore and just tap on Install app.

- APKMirror Installer will prepare installation with selected files.

- Tap on INSTALL app.

- It will be installed and you can open and use it like a regular normal .apk file.

Congratulations, you successfully learned to install .XAPK files.

Atlast, This are just highlighted key features of APKMirror Installer there may be many hidden features inbuild that provides you external benefits to give you the ultimate usage experience, so if you want best .XAPK, .apkm, split apps installer then APKMirror Installer can be a worthy choice.

Overall, APKMirror is quick, simple, fast, secure and .XAPK installer it is very easy to use due to its clean, user friendly interface which gives you intuitive user experience but we have to wait & see will APKMirror Installer get any major UI changes in future to make it even more better, as of now the app have good user interface that you may like to use for sure.

Moreover, it is definitely worth to mention APKMirror Installer is open source which means you can view the source code that assure security and privacy, APKMirror Installer source code can be viewed on thier official GitHub repository, and APKMirror Installer is one of the very few free open source .XAPK installer apps available out there on internet which is currently in early access and in beta phase so you may encounter bugs but as for personal we didn't found bugs, Yes Indeed so, if you are searching for a such .XAPK, .apkm, split apps installer then we suggest APKMirror Installer is an excellent choice that has potential to become your new favorite.

Finally, This is APKMirror Installer, an open source featured packed free and quick .XAPK, .apkm, split apks installer, so, do you like it? Are you an existing user of APKMirror Installer, if yes do share your experience and mention why you like APKMirror Installer in our comment section below, see ya :)